Headless Annie: The Phantom of Black Mountain

On the shadowy roads of Black Mountain, on the border between Kentucky and Virginia, is said to be a spectral figure, known as Headless Annie, who looks for rides from unsuspecting travelers. But be warned—this ghostly apparition carries a chilling tale from the 1930s, born out of union struggles and tragic family loss in Harlan County, Kentucky.

This week on our YouTube channel, we tell the tale of Headless Annie.

Sweet dreams, y’all…

The Tragic Tale of Octavia Hatcher

In the hills of eastern Kentucky, a grave marker tells a tale of sorrow and legend. The statue of Octavia Hatcher, said to come to life on Halloween, weeps in eternal grief. Journey back to the 1890s as we tell the tragic story of Octavia’s untimely death, her mysterious illness, and the chilling discovery made after her burial.

Here’s the link to the episode, since we aren’t able to embed it on the website for some reason.

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Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

Madness at Rocky Ravine: The Witch Diggers’ Tale

A man returned from the Civil War to help his siblings on their farm, only to spiral into a madness that turned them all into witch diggers.

Discover the eerie tale of the Bichler family, whose descent into insanity led them to believe they were surrounded by witches. From mysterious figures in the moonlight to relentless digging in Rocky Ravine, this story reveals a chilling blend of ghostly apparitions and mental torment.

Are the sightings of a wild man in the ravine the restless spirit of Nick Bichler, forever hunting witches?

Be sure to like, comment and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Thanks for listening!

Sweet dreams, y’all…

The Woman In The Blue Polka Dot Dress

Stories are told of a mysterious woman wearing a blue polka dot dress trying to hitch a ride along the roads around Logan, West Virginia. This particular tale, though, is about a real person who was murdered in the coal fields.

Today on our YouTube channel, discover the chilling tale of Mamie Thurman, a woman who led a double life—quiet churchgoer by day and a flashy socialite by night. Her murder in 1932 sparked a scandal involving prominent men in Logan, a dubious trial, and a haunting that lingers to this day.

Is Mamie’s spirit trapped in the hills of Appalachia, forever searching for justice?

Sweet dreams…

The Tale of the Bunnyman

Bunnies are cute and fluffy. The Bunny Man is not; in fact the Bunny Man can and will kill you.
This week we tell a tale about a man in a rabbit suit with killer instincts. And in this case some of the story is definitely true.

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Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

The Snarly Yow

Near South Mountain in western Maryland, along the old National Highway, arose an Appalachian legend.

Back in the 19th century travelers on the National Highway reported a strange apparition appearing out of nowhere. What they saw was a creature resembling a very large and angry black dog, snarling and growling. That was enough, naturally, to cause the driver or rider to swerve to avoid the animal, which would suddenly vanish. Stories tell that the beast, known as the Snarly Yow, could keep up with a horse at full gallop before disappearing into the Maryland mists.

A hunter who happened upon the Snarly Yow tried to shoot it, becoming surprised, then alarmed, when his bullets just passed right through the angry dog. The last time the Snarly Yow was reported was back in the 1970’s when a motorist reported suddenly seeing the beast and then hitting it after not being able to stop in time.

The thing is, this driver didn’t feel any impact but when he finally stopped and got out to check the damage to his car, there was no dog there. At least not until he heard a low growling from behind. Turning, he saw the Snarly Yow slowly walk toward him from behind his car with its eyes glowing a bright red. Then the dog started getting bigger, and bigger and bigger. The man jumped into the car and, with the dog attacking, took off down the road. The Snarly Yow simply disappeared, not to be seen since.

Similar dog stories exist all across Appalachia, including in Carter County, Tennessee, where folks tell of the Devil Dog, a large black angry dog that will appear from time to time. It’s said there that only those evil enough can walk with the Devil Dog, all others are at risk of being killed.

The Headless Hobo

During the Great Depression, times were hard. Many men were forced to take to the road to find any kind of work or handout they could get, just to survive. These men, or “hobos,” as they were called, road the rails across the country and were a common sight in Appalachia.

Today, in a repeat of a story we told in 2020, we again bring you the tale of a “hobo” ghost, still looking for a handout after crossing over to the great beyond.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…