The Haunted Pines

This week we tell the strange tale of Silas McKean, a young man whose life took an extraordinary turn when he encountered a radiant ball of light between two ancient pine trees. This supernatural encounter led to, of all things, a profound relationship that transcended the mortal realm and changed Silas’ life forever.   

Join us as we tell the poignant story of Silas and Alice, a love that defied the boundaries of life and death. Listen now on Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Audible, or on your favorite podcast app.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

Haints in the Holler

We’ve been away for a spell, but we’re back with a new tale and a new release date, Monday evenings!

In this episode of MountainLore, we share the eerie tale of a remote holler, where a widower’s new wife harbored a dark secret, one that chilled the entire community to its bones as restless spirits returned to seek justice, haunting the community with bone-chilling cries and unearthly wails.  

Join us as we tell the tragic tale of the haints in the holler. Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast on Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Audible, or on your favorite podcast app.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…


The Ghost Came A’Knockin’

In this episode of MountainLore, we tell the tale of a once beautiful old house nestled deep in the woods. For over a century and a half, whispers of the house’s haunting have echoed through the hills, all stemming from the tragic and untimely end of its reclusive occupant, a man known simply as Johnny.

Join us as we tell of the greed and murder that cursed the once beautiful home, and how Johnny’s love for solitude and rumors of hidden riches led to a deadly encounter with an envious neighbor.

We tell of the spectral knocks that plague the house each full moon and of the peace that Johnny’s ghost so desperately sought.

Listen now on Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast app.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners

The Ghost of Gamble’s Run

Venture with us into the heart of Appalachia, to a place where the whispers of the past speak of betrayal and justice—a justice that may tarry but never falters. In this episode of MountainLore, we unearth the haunting tale of John Gamble, a master craftsman whose destiny was forever altered by the sinister deeds of those he trusted.

Remember to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast on your favorite podcast platform, and share our haunting Appalachian tales with those who revel in the mysteries of the mountains. Until our paths cross again…

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners.

Old Bill Mullins and the Burning Bible

In this episode of MountainLore, we tell the tale of Old Bill Mullins and his fiery reckoning. A man known for his sinful ways and a life lived in defiance of the divine, Bill’s story is a cautionary whisper among the pines and a legend that has echoed through the hills of Appalachia for many years.  

Join us as we recount how the flames of an otherworldly fire reveal Old Bill’s ultimate destiny, a sight that sears itself into the memories of those who witness it.  

Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast on Spreaker, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or on your favorite podcast app. 

As always, sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

Ghosts of Days Gone By

We have reached a milestone: 200 episodes!

To celebrate, we bring you a folktale from the mountains of western North Carolina…

A hunter resting one evening at a historic mountain pass in North Carolina happens to see a ghostly sight: three indistinct soldiers at the edge of a clearing, staring in his direction, not at him, but at something only they can see.

This is the beginning of what will be a ghostly encounter.

Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast. We’re on Spotify, Spreaker, Apple Podcasts, Audible, Goodpods, PlayerFM or wherever you get your podcasts.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

Ghostly Redemption: A Coal Miner’s Tale

A tragic accident in the mines brings profound grief and anguish to a coal miner until one day, while working his shift, he finds the peace he had been missing for so long.

Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast so you don’t miss any of our tales from Appalachia; we’re on your favorite podcast app!

Til next time, sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

You Can’t Take It With You

In Franklin County, Virginia, a man is buried along with all his money, apparently with the intent of paving his path to the afterlife with gold.

Only problem was that the money soon went missing, and therein lies our bit of MountainLore today!

Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast at Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Audible, Goodpods or wherever you get your podcasts.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

The Log Cabin Ghosts

There’s nothing like a rustic log cabin nestled in a picturesque Appalachian valley. Folks dream of having such a place in which to live.

What they don’t realize is that in some cases those dreams can become nightmares.

Today we tell that tale.

Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast at Spotify, Spreaker, Apple Podcasts or on your own favorite podcast app.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

The Mysterious Ghost Rider of Southwest Virginia

Today’s story comes from a listener, who remembered the bare bones of this tale but not the entire story. We’ve taken that “ghost” of a story (about a ghost) and put together the tale you’ll hear in this episode.

It’s the story of the mysterious ghost rider of southwest Virginia, another tale from Appalachia.

You can subscribe to the MountainLore podcast at Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Audible or on your favorite podcast app, whatever that might be.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…