The House of the Vanishing Chains

We are back after a couple of weeks of being under the weather, but that time was put to good use in gathering up the story we have for you this week!

A home renovation project a hundred years ago went well, not disturbing the neighbors.

It did, however, disturb someone, or should we say, something else.

What that was and how it turned out is our story. Give us a listen…

Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast at Spotify, Spreaker, Apple Podcasts, Audible, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners.

The Haunted Door

Once upon a time an Appalachian preacher had a son who loved to swing back and forth on the front door of his farmhouse.

We’ll tell you the rest in today’s tale.

Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast on your favorite podcast app so you don’t miss any of our stories.

We’re on TikTok @storiesofappalachia and on Instagram @storyappalachia. Catch our video stories there as well.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

The Log Cabin Ghosts

There’s nothing like a rustic log cabin nestled in a picturesque Appalachian valley. Folks dream of having such a place in which to live.

What they don’t realize is that in some cases those dreams can become nightmares.

Today we tell that tale.

Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast at Spotify, Spreaker, Apple Podcasts or on your own favorite podcast app.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

The Mysterious Ghost Rider of Southwest Virginia

Today’s story comes from a listener, who remembered the bare bones of this tale but not the entire story. We’ve taken that “ghost” of a story (about a ghost) and put together the tale you’ll hear in this episode.

It’s the story of the mysterious ghost rider of southwest Virginia, another tale from Appalachia.

You can subscribe to the MountainLore podcast at Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Audible or on your favorite podcast app, whatever that might be.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

The Headless Hobo

During the Great Depression, times were hard. Many men were forced to take to the road to find any kind of work or handout they could get, just to survive. These men, or “hobos,” as they were called, road the rails across the country and were a common sight in Appalachia.

Today, in a repeat of a story we told in 2020, we again bring you the tale of a “hobo” ghost, still looking for a handout after crossing over to the great beyond.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

The Bewitched Chestnut Tree

There’s an old story from the mountains of southwest Virginia about a witch named Bill Boggs. It was said that Boggs got his powers from a chestnut tree on top of a ridge, and around this tree was a zone of death in which no plant nor animal could live. One old farmer decided to rid that ridge of the cursed tree.

Things did not go well, at least not at first.

That, friends, is our story for today.

Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast at so you don’t miss out on any of our tales.

We’re on TikTok @storiesofappalachia and on Instagram @storyappalachia with more video tales of Appalachia. Be sure to follow us!

Til next we meet, sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

The Hand of Justice

The Civil War came to East Tennessee in the form of Confederate raids against the mostly Union sympathizers who lived there. Today’s tale recounts a story told about one such raid which cost the life of a resident of Carter’s Valley.

His spirit demanded justice and got it…through his hand, brutally severed from his body by the Rebel raiders.

Today we tell that tale.

Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast at Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Spreaker, or on your favorite podcast app.

Til next time, sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

Haunted Droop Mountain

The final battle of the Civil War in West Virginia was fought at Droop Mountain. Apparently, the spirits of many of the fallen soldiers, North and South, remain on that beautiful mountain to this day, as we’ll tell you in today’s podcast episode.

Be sure to subscribe to the MountainLore podcast at Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Spreaker, Audible or wherever you get your podcasts.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…

The Running Rattlesnake of Bear Creek

Once upon a time a man, Brother Johnny as he was known, decided to throw a party, with moonshine being part of the festivities. Brother Johnny invited several friends to this get together, including a young man and his wife from over the mountain. This couple took off for Brother Johnny’s place and rode for hours, until they stopped at a farm along the way.

That stopover led to the wife having more excitement than she’d had in all the rest of her life.

Today we tell that tale.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the MountainLore poddast on your favorite podcast app so you don’t miss any of our stories.

By the way, we’re also on TikTok @storiesofappalachia and on Instagram @storyappalachia with short video tales for you enjoyment. Come on over and follow us there!

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…


What, dear listeners, has wooly fur, goat horns and a naked possum tail?

A critter/cryptid known as the White Thing, or, as we’d prefer to call it, the Sheepsquatch.

Join us as we tell the tale of this mysterious being!

Don’t miss any of our tales…subscribe to the MountainLore podcast on your favorite podcast app.

Sweet dreams, podcast listeners…